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MOVEMENT2BE - Inspiring Fitness in Youth - Semester 1
Our Why?
Mission of MOVEMENT2BE
5 Pillars of Physical Literacy Review
Supply List
Week 1 and 2 - Introduction, Assessments and Testing Weeks
Intro to MOVEMENT and Testing weeks 1 and 2
Testing Instructions
Week 3 -Strength Pillar - The ability to control your movement
Week 3 - class 1
Week 3 - class 2
Week 4 - Mobility Pillar - The ability to move freely and easily
Week 4 - class 1
Week 4 - class 2
Week 5 - Balance Pillar - The ability to remain stable/control base of support
Week 5 - class 1
Week 5 - class 2
Week 6 - Coordination Pillar - The ability to do 2 or more things at once
Week 6 - class 1
Week 6 - class 2
Week 7 - Endurance Pillar - The ability to things for an extended period of time
Week 7 - class 1
Week 7- class 2
Week 8 - Post testing and celebration
Week 8 - class 1
Week 8 - class 2
Week 3 - class 2
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